Evaluate, Maintain, Rehabilitate, Sustain With CIT Sewer Solutions
CIT Sewer Solutions provides Sanitary and Storm Sewer Collection System Maintenance programs in Iowa and the Central Midwest.
Is Your Sewer System Experiencing These Problems?
Tree Root
Broken Or
Failing Pipes
Sewer Blockages
Inflow & Infilitration
Sanitary Sewer
Overflow (SSO)
Service Interuptions

Professional services you can trust.
We are a family-owned business that believes in customer satisfaction. Whether you are a consulting engineer, municipality or a contractor, CIT Sewer Solutions can help. CIT has a long standing relationship with many of the municipalities and contractors throughout the central Midwest.
We’ve Got You Covered
We know what it’s like to have a sewer system that doesn’t run properly. We will…

We Get It
Your sewer system should be running properly 24/7. You shouldn’t have to deal with I&I, sewer blockages, tree roots, pipe deterioration, and service interruptions. Your customers should be able to trust and rely on your public works department. But once problems begin to occur, who are you going to call first?
Different companies will try to sell you their cheapest plan, which includes the least amount of work. Their prices may seem like the best and cheapest option, but they’re hiding things from you. Once they win your contract, you’ll then discover all the hidden fees behind their proposal. Now you’re stuck with a contract and a company you don’t trust.
Other companies may look appealing on paper or convince you that they can resolve your issues and provide you savings at a lower rate! We get it!! Their prices seem pretty attractive and hard to beat! But they’re hiding hidden fees. It’s only after you sign, after they “won” the bid, that you discover the truth. Now you’re stuck with a contract that doesn’t provide you with all the information you deserve upon completion.
We provide you with all the information or results you deserve upon completion. We stand behind our work and our reputation means more to us than making a buck!
Why Choose Us
Upfront pricing! With every consultation and every proposal, our rates reflect a complete NASSCO PACP inspection. From start to finish, you will know exactly what condition your system is in and will receive a “hand-delivered” page-by-page report, breaking down, detailing, and categorizing each and every concern or call-out. We save you the time of reviewing every foot of footage, but should you have the time, a complete digital file is provided for you to access.
We have ONE process. Others may charge a premium. They may offer more than one option and call our process “premium,” but at CIT, we provide it as standard because it is! It’s our standard operating procedure. We will not, and we do not, do less for profit! Our success is contingent upon return!
We want to create long-term relationships with municipalities and contractors throughout the Midwest. We strive to offer fast, efficient, and reliable service. We communicate, arrive ready to work, and keep you updated on our job progress.
Contractor Of The Year – American Public Work Asssociation 2019 APWA

our services
Evaluate - Maintain - Rehabilitate - Sustain
Shedule a free
Receive your
execute your
Enjoy a problem
free sewer system